10 modern names for millennial dogs

The word ‘millennial’ is everywhere. It refers to those who were born between the 80s and 2000s, more or less. As hated as they are loved, millennials are a prominent part of today’s society. If you are one of them and you have or are going to have a dog, you should look for a name to match. These are 10 modern names for millennial dogs.

The best names for dogs

  1. This is a very original name that makes direct reference to the millennial generation. It hits more for female dogs, but it doesn’t look bad on male pets either.
  2. Those born in these years are also included in Generation Y. Although ‘and Greek’ is a rather long and ugly name, you can choose its Anglo-Saxon version and pronounce the name of this letter in English.
  3. Peter Pan. According to some scholars, millennials can also be referred to as the Peter Pan generation because, like this character, they don’t want to grow up. It is a very nice name for dogs, which you can shorten to simply Peter.
  4. It is true that millennials are not the only ones obsessed with posture, but they do stand out for it. That if photos on Instagram, that if I appear here and there… You can shorten it to Postu.
  5. Millennials are digital natives, or almost. For them, new technologies are our daily bread. You can call your dog Digi, although it sounds better with its Anglo-Saxon pronunciation, that is, something like ‘Diyi’.
  6. If there is something that marked the childhood and youth of millennials, it is the chat rooms. Whether it’s Msn, Terra, Eresmas… They were quite a discovery, so it can inspire you to find a good name for your dog.
  7. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most outstanding members of the millennial generation. The founder of Facebook, who was born in 1984, created one of the tools most used by all of them, so it’s up to you to decide if he deserves a small tribute by naming your dog after him.
  8. Those who have been born in this generation are social, although they do not always choose the life of flesh and blood for it. Social networks often replace any type of communication. Do you like it for your dog?
  9. Millennials are appdicts, that is, addicted to applications. Their mobiles usually quickly run out of space for all the ones they install. For that reason, this is a good name for your dog. Also, he is modern, short and has a lot of strength.
  10. Many of the millennials grew up with Pokemon and many of them are still anchored thanks to the new video games. Therefore, they will be happy to call their pet that.

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