10 names for dogs that never go out of style

When choosing the most beautiful name for your puppy, the one that you are going to incorporate into the family shortly, there are those who prefer very original and different nicknames. However, many other people, most of us would dare to say, prefer the classic nicknames, those names for dogs that never go out of style. Is this your case? If so, we can help you find the perfect nickname. Below we propose a list with 10 names for puppies that have proven to work over time. If so many dogs have these names it will be for a reason, right?

Looking for dog names that never go out of style?

When choosing your pet’s name, you should bear in mind that names that are too long or difficult to pronounce are usually very complicated. Nor should you call it the same as another pet you have at home or even as one of the family members because you will cause a lot of confusion. The key is to stay with a simple name that favors you.


There is something about the moon that has attracted humanity since the beginning of time. That is why there are so many pets that are called that. It is a name that conveys great elegance and poise, but it is also somewhat mysterious. It is the perfect name for a dog as cute as the one that will arrive at your house.


Surely you know or have heard of a female dog named Laika. And it is that this beautiful mixed race became one of the most famous pets in history as she was the first living being sent into space. For her great courage and for the cruelty of her death, she deserves a tribute as beautiful as naming your dog in her honor. As a curiosity we will tell you that Laika means barking in Russian.


Toby is one of those classic names that works on any breed of dog. It is not difficult for us to imagine a big mastiff with this name, but it could also suit a small Pomeranian. Just as there are names that refer to very specific aspects of the puppy’s physical appearance or way of being (Naughty, Negrito, Copo…) others tend to be more versatile.

In case you still don’t know what the puppy you are going to bring home will be like, you can bet on a name like Toby. He will favor you yes or yes.


Although the breed to which they belong largely determines how the dog is (more or less intelligent, more or less active, more or less guardian, etc.) it also depends on the personality of the specific dog. If the puppy you are going to adopt spends hours sleeping, his favorite place in the house is his bed and he spends more hours lying than standing… this name is perfect for him!

We can think of other more fun and original variants that also refer to the taciturn character of your puppy: Morfeo, Sueño, Dream, Nap… How complicated it is to stay with only one name!


Would you name your dog Coco? Without a doubt, it is one of those names that are always in fashion. Among the reasons for its popularity is the fact that it is such a versatile name. It can look just as good on a male as on a female. In fact, Coco is such a cute name for a dog that many celebrities have chosen it for their pet. This is the case of the singer Cheryl Cole, who had a cute chihuahua with this name.


Mist is also one of our favorite names for females. It is a nickname with a lot of strength, which transmits power and energy. However, at the same time, he projects a lot of tenderness and desire to give hugs. For this reason, it hits a big dog with an even bigger heart like breeds such as the Doberman or the German shepherd.


One of the most traditional names to call dogs that have moles on their fur is Spots. In case your puppy has a single very characteristic speck, you can put Mancha or Spot (the English version) on it. It is a name that fits well in this type of dog because it is very obvious. If there is a breed of dog for which it would be a good name, it is the Dalmatian.


Who didn’t fall in love with Rex, the police dog. This German shepherd won the heart after having arrested hundreds of thugs and having solved dozens of open cases. If you have always loved this television series and, furthermore, you are waiting for the arrival of a sweet puppy of this breed, this is the ideal name for your pet.


Given the choice of funny names inspired by characters that have been part of our lives, we chose Snoopy. This adorable beagle and his best friend Carlitos (Charlie Brown) has made several generations laugh.


Max is a winning name for both male and female dogs. He is short, direct and has a lot of strength. If you still haven’t managed to find the perfect name for your pet, we have just what you need: the great dictionary of dog names. We give your ideas letter by letter so that you can find the one that you and your puppy like best.

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