Celebrity dogs: Antonia San Juan, her Teckel, Chihuahuas and other pets

Surely you know Antonia San Juan ‘s facet as an actress but you may not have discovered yet how dedicated she is to the fight for animal rights. Estela Reynolds from La que se avecina is a lover of animals and more specifically of dogs, which is why she has filled her house with these pets. There are so many dogs that we are not entirely sure who are part of his family and who are friends, acquaintances or dogs he does not know but with whom he has fallen in love at first sight and has decided to take a picture with them.

Antonia San Juan and her weakness for dogs

  • He usually shares many images of dogs through social networks. Many of them star Romi, an adorable light brown dachshund who is already old and requires special attention from her owner.
  • This dog is already part of the lives of the actress’s fans because they have been able to see her napping on a cushion with her little face, playing, taking walks… But Romi is not alone, far from it. Kiri and Pancho are always by her side. In this photograph we can see Antonia San Juan giving little Pancho some love. But she also has pictures with little Chihuahuas called Lula and Nina.
  • Her work to raise awareness on Twitter goes beyond writing a tweet from time to time or uploading a photo with her pets. His account is full of retweets to help different dogs and cats to find their ideal family. Antonia San Juan knows that being famous, her voice can convince many to change her attitude towards animals. In addition, she has participated in different campaigns against the mistreated animal of various associations.

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