Celebrity dogs: Kylie Jenner, in Love with her Italian Greyhound

Another famous dog with its own Instagram account. Kylie Jenner ‘s Italian Greyhound also has her own profile of him. As if we didn’t have enough with the photos of her owners that don’t stop flooding our accounts now, plus there are photos of her pets. Although, the truth is that we love them! In any case, it is a bit envious to see the lives that these dogs are leading in huge mansions and luxurious parties. I’m sure they also get tired of being celebrities (what’s their fault for having the owner they have).

Norman Jenner, as Kim Kardashian’s sister’s Italian greyhound is called, is cute. From the videos they share on social networks, you can see that he is nervous and mischievous. You only have to see a couple of photos of the dog to realize that he is more than used to posing for the cameras, at least for his relatives.

Kylie Jenner and Norman, the Kardashian mascot

Norman has to share his ‘mother’ with the newcomer to the family, Bambi, another Italian greyhound but with lighter hair. We don’t know how he’s handling it, -it’s well known that very bad jealousy can surface between the brothers at this time- but in the photos in which photos appear, they make an adorable couple.

Kylie Jenner is in love with these Italian greyhounds. In fact, when she received Norman for Christmas, she assured that she had seen her dream come true. The Italian greyhound breed is ideal for the Kardashian sister since, due to her stylized figure, they are as elegant as herself. There are not excessive paparazzi photos in which you can see them walking down the street. Possibly this is not just because Kylie Jenner has better things to do, but it is what she has to live in a mansion with a huge garden, that both Bambi and Norman can run around all day.

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