Celebrity dogs: Leo, Màxim Huerta’s Adopted Dog

Doña Leocadia, or Leo, to friends, is Màxim Huerta’s dog. She is the queen of the house since the presenter welcomed her into her home. The very special connection that exists between the two is evident and the comments they make on Instagram confirm it.

Leo likes to watch television, she is stunned especially when animals appear. Màxim likes to say that if there was a dog channel, Leo would be its first presenter. She is sure that she is a very good friend of Hope, Bibiana Fernandez’s dog, because she is a great friend of the presenter.

Maxim Huerta’s pet

One of the presenter’s favorite hobbies is walking with his dog or, as he himself has said, it is “the best social network that exists” because it allows you to talk with many other dog owners. According to his account, Leo has developed the ability to approach dogs whose owners are to the taste of the presenter.

Màxim Huerta likes to travel a lot, and sometimes he takes Leo with whom he walks, as he says, as if it were a married couple. Leo is a very good and calm dog. And when they’re not together, they miss each other. From what she seems through the photos she shares through Instagram, she is affectionate and likes to spend a lot of time with those she loves and loves her.

Niebla, Pino and Coco… Màxim has had other female dogs. Coco was by his side for about 18 years. She was also an adopted dog and also a mixed breed. She started living with the presenter after he found her while she was wandering lost on the street. And it is that Màxim defends that of not buying brand dogs, because those that do not have a breed are just as beautiful and affectionate as any other.

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