Celebrity Dogs: Lucas, Vanesa Romero’s Yorkshire

What better way to make the afternoon of all your Instagram followers a little better than by sharing a selfie with your dog… or at least that’s what Vanesa Romero must think. And it must work, because Lucas, the Yorkshire Terrier that appears in the photo of her next to her, has made both the actress and all her fans fall in love with her, who are full of compliments every time she posts a photo together. Even the first photo that he uploaded to the social network was one completely starring the Yorkshire. And it is that what she felt for Lucas was true love at first sight.

As she has told in an interview, in addition to Lucas, Vanesa Romero has three pet cats: Humphrey, Uma and Audrey (all very movie-going names, in case you hadn’t noticed). And on this occasion the saying that she assures that they get along badly is not fulfilled because in the images of Vanesa Romero’s Instagram profile they all seem quite friendly. In fact, Lucas is developing somewhat catlike behavior from all the time he spends with them.

Vanesa Romero’s pets

Lucas likes playing ball more than usual. From what it seems when looking at the photos, he could spend hours and hours playing. Surely his biggest fantasy is to play in a ball pit and… it’s a dream come true! Playing and taking walks in the park, they take the opportunity to do a little exercise together. They love both the beach and the snow, yes, Lucas has to dress according to the occasion at each site. He looks like he has a closet full of clothes every moment. And it is that his owner likes that his dog is always up to date.

Lucas knows how to handle himself well between the spotlights because on more than one occasion he has accompanied Vanesa Romero to a photo session or filming. It’s the nice thing about being a celebrity’s pet, that you end up having a life like them. Lucas even has a huge bed named after him in which to rest every day.

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