Celebrity Dogs: Miley, Ylenia’s White Pomeranian

They make the perfect couple because they are both equally divine. Miley and Ylenia are one for each, and to prove it you only have to take a look at the photos that the famous share on Instagram. Her love has been very evident on social networks. Ylenia even shared the following message on Twitter: “The more guys I meet, the more I love my dog.”

Miley is a beautiful white Pomeranian who has fallen in love with television, but also with many of her fans. And it is that although Ylenia shares many photos and videos, she has not told us much about the dog, we do not even know her name and the breed to which she belongs.

Ylenia’s pet

  • Whenever work allows it, Ylenia tries to spend a lot of time with the dog. They like to sleep together (or at least the time they take a photo of her to upload to Instagram), cuddle up, and even watch TV. According to her, when they see ‘La Voz Kids’ the dog is stunned. Will she want to be a singer like her ‘mom’? What is clear from the videos she shares is that Miley is adorable.
  • For Ylenia, Miley is much more than just a pet. In fact, she likes to call him ‘my baby’ and she considers her ‘the queen of the house’. Ylenia says that she is her daughter and the love of her life. It seems that the one from Gandía Shore has love to give and take…
  • Like many mothers, Ylenia indulges her Pomeranian in a few whims. For example, in an Instagram photo she showed how the dog occupied more than half of the back seat of the car while she only had a corner left. With that face she has, it’s hard to deny her anything…

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