Names for dogs of brown color: original and surprising nicknames

The company of a dog is irreplaceable. Only those who have had or have a pet know what it means to love this faithful friend unconditionally, as he can do with you. Coming home and waiting for you, spending moments laughing and crying together, walking, playing and, ultimately, never, never failing you.

However, when it comes to adopting a pet, most people tend to agree on how difficult it is to choose a perfect name. One of the most difficult parts is choosing an original and surprising nickname that both fits and suits him. Names are difficult to choose, among other things because they are for life. We often want to choose one that matches his personality and his physical appearance, but we always resort to the same common ones that are often repeated.

To help you in the process, in this article we propose a list of names for brown dogs, a characteristic that many of these animals share and that can be favorable to choose the ideal nickname. If your puppy is brown in color and you want her name to be consistent with this physical characteristic, whether female or male, don’t miss out on what we have prepared for you!

Names about fictional characters for dogs of brown color

We are surrounded by movies and series that have marked our life or our childhood. Why not choose a name that has to do with them?


Everyone knows the protagonist of Toy Story. A cowboy in his sheriff’s hat who is not only a good friend but also noble, loyal, fair, respectful and brave. We like this name very much for a dog, because in addition to going according to the color of Woody’s hat, his name implies the best behavior that someone can have. Is your dog like that?


One of the most famous cartoon bears, the protagonist of ‘The Jungle Book’, may be a good name to give your dog. Baloo mixed different colors but what we like most about this character is his mix of affection, kindness and leadership, as well as being a great educator for Mowgli in the jungle.


In the world of fictional characters and being you, perhaps, a fan of the sagas, this character a Wookiee- from Star Wars, hairy, robust and in different shades of brown can be a perfect name for your dog. Chewbacca is a friend, a great partner, inseparable and unique. Beware that we may have before us a great name!

Names for brown dogs inspired by the color coffee

If we talk about puppies with these brown colors in different shades of coffee… We cannot forget about the drink!


If it turns out that your pet has a beige or brown color mixed with white areas… Maybe it’s time to choose a name according to its physical appearance. For example, how about Capuccino? A fun name but, at the same time, very classic. If it seems very long, remember that, at the end, you can always shorten the name.


In the selection of brown names this name could not be missing. Perfect for both small dogs and large dogs; both for those who mix colors and for those who have a single solid color and, of course, a good choice for both female and male.


In the world of cafes, we can move all you want and, in the end, brown puppies always lead us to think of names of this style to give them. However, let’s not fall into the much-used brown color and go a little further. If we think of the Starbucks cafeteria, everyone knows that we are talking about coffee, but we have gone one step further and have been a little more original. Even if you call it by that name you can always leave it at a Bucks, to shorten it a bit.

Brown Dog Names on Sweets 

Often the color brown is associated with sweet and affectionate attitudes. Is it because of the desserts that we know of that same color?


If your puppy is sweet and affectionate, what better name than a treat to represent it? This name is long but very original, perfect for a pet that is not only brown, but also has different shades.


The choice of this name not only means that the brownie and your dog match in color, but that it is one of the sweetest and richest desserts you can find. Why not put it on your dog? Also, it will give you a lot of play if you adopt a second pet tomorrow and you could call it vanilla, can you imagine?


It’s such a fun name that just saying it out loud makes you smile. Biscuit is not only identified by the color of both things, but when related to sweet bites, it hits a lot for small dogs, such as a Chihuahua.


If we are talking about a light brown or beige color, the color of an almond, this could be a good name. Almendra reminds us of a soft, light behavior, nothing annoying, altered or rowdy. Is that your dog?


It is true that it is one of the most classic names that you will be able to hear but, nevertheless, it will never go out of style. Cinnamon has an exotic, fun, unique touch but at the same time the classic notes, “of a lifetime” that its name implies. A perfect choice if we are talking, for example, about a Yorkshire dog.

Alcoholic Beverage Names for Brown Puppies

For lovers of alcoholic beverages, below we have a selection of very proper names for them. All of them contain different and unique touches (such as the drinks) that will mark the differences between them.


The first drink that comes to mind is dedicated to the sweetest and most loving dogs. Baileys is a great name for all of them, don’t you think? For those who, in the same sweet tone, have harder or more marked touches (can be understood as facial or behavioral features).


How about calling your dog Ron? It’s a great idea! He can be a great name because, in addition, we can play with the double meaning of calling him after the drink or as one of the protagonists of the Harry Potter saga. Up to you!

Brandy or Whiskey 

Finally, this list ends with two perfect names for the most robust, forceful dogs and also for the oldest. Brandy or Whiskey can be two choices to match the characteristics of your pet.

Names for brown dogs that invite tranquility

Just as we said before that the color brown reminds us of sweet desserts, there are also names that invite tranquility and relaxation. Which one will you keep?


We can’t help it, if we start thinking about names for brown dogs, names, objects, flavors and places where the protagonist is that color appear in our minds. This is why we love Arena. Especially if you love the sea (double reason to choose it) or if your pet is slippery and difficult to grasp like a handful of sand


Instead of putting desert, we have preferred to choose this name so fashionable in recent times. Tranquility, peace, calm… Be careful with the sensations that this name transmits!

Ready! You already have the entire list of original, elegant and surprising names for brown dogs to choose the one you like the most. Do not worry because it is not a matter of a day, but you will surely end up choosing the best one for him or her.

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