Original Asian names for dogs and their meaning

Nicknames of Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian origin… If you love Asian culture and you are going to welcome a new four-legged friend into your home, we have just what you need here. We propose 12 original Asian names for dogs and we tell you what their meaning is, so you know which one to choose.

How to choose a good name for dogs

Before seriously thinking about what you are going to call your pet, keep in mind that the best names for dogs are those that have two or three syllables. If you choose a nickname that is too long or one that is too short, your faithful friend will have a hard time learning it. Also make sure it doesn’t sound the same as any of the words you use to give it an order.

Take your time to find a name you like, because you don’t want to change it too much to avoid causing confusion. Remember that it is a lifelong decision! If you need a bit of Asian inspiration, take note of the following suggestions.

Cute asian names for male dogs

If you are looking for a name for a male dog, here are some varied ideas. Try to come up with a nickname that you don’t have too much trouble pronouncing or you’ll have a hard time every time you scold him.


Have you heard of the Japanese Akita Inu who went to the train station every day to receive his master, even after he died? Her name was Hachiko. If your dog is the most loyal creature you have ever met, this name is ideal for him even if it is not very original.


If for you, your dog is number one in your life, give it Satu, which in Indonesian refers to this number. If you give your dog this original Asian name, you will not find other pets with the same name. You should know that dogs usually feel very confused when they run into someone with the same name as them.


Do you know what Gou means in Mandarin Chinese? Precisely, it means ‘dog’. Therefore, it is a very appropriate name for your furry friend as it is original and different. In addition, you will be demonstrating your great command of this Asian language.


Kentaro could be translated from Japanese as ‘big boy’, therefore it is the perfect name for larger dogs. Great Dane, German Shepherd, Goldie, Labrador… Any of these breeds will feel very identified with a name like this.

Take note of these names for female dogs

Are you going to bring a dog home? We propose some names specially designed for her. You will love them all!


One of the most beautiful names a dog can have is Mizuki, which in Japanese means something like beautiful moon. If your pet is very mysterious and the time of day when she is most active is at night, this name is for her.


This name is especially designed if you already have a puppy and you are going to adopt another or if it is the second puppy in the litter. Liang, in Chinese, refers to the number two and has a beautiful sound.


In Persian, Raha refers to freedom. What a beautiful name for your female dog!


In Japanese, the word Sora refers to the sky. It seems to us a beautiful name for that little dog that has just arrived at your house, since she transmits a lot of tenderness. If your pet is very affectionate and sweet, give it this name.

The best unisex names for all dogs

And if you still don’t know if your puppy is going to be male or female, but you want to start thinking about the name you are going to give it, take note of these unisex ones. They are valid for any dog, regardless of its breed.


Would you like to call your pet ‘heaven’? Well, in Chinese it says Tian and it can be used for both male and female dogs. Show him how much you love him with a name as cute as this one.


Mei could be translated from Japanese as beauty. It is a very nice name that could fit very well in both male and female dogs. Does your pet have the face of being called Mei?

Anand or Ananda

In India, the name Anand is associated with happiness. By choosing this beautiful name for dogs you will be turning your pet into the joy of the house.


Haru is a nice unisex name that in Japanese refers to the bright and luminous. If your dog has a radiant personality and commands attention wherever he goes, this is the name for you. No other does it so much justice!

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